Pole dance group

Aerial For All

Scholarship Program

Welcome to the the VRV3 Studios Scholarship Program. We have seen how aerial and pole has changed peoples’ lives both physically and mentally. We also know that it can be expensive! This scholarship program was created in order to lower that financial barrier and make pole and aerial training more accessible. As a studio, we pledge to always have at least one monthly scholarship available, with additional recipients made possible by the generous donations of our community.

Each monthly scholarship provides 5 free classes to be used for the month. We hope to expand and grow this program based on donations collected. The scholarship is open to anyone 18+ years of age with an annual income less than $60,000.


If you would like to DONATE to help us continue to expand scholarships and support more folks, please use the donation button below or venmo us with the note: “VRV3 Scholarship”.

If you would like to APPLY for the scholarship program, please use the forms below. You will need to reapply each month. We will do our best to make sure that newer applicants have priority. Please note that the information requested is for statistical reporting purposes only and will be kept anonymous.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 25th of each month