Pole Classes
Pre Reqs: Nada…. come to have fun as see what’s possible.
What is this pole thing? How does it work? This is where to start your pole journey. We’ll go over the basic techniques that are used at all levels and well as teach some basic spins and tricks. If you’ve never done pole this is where we advise you start so you can have a good understanding of the terminology that we’ll use around the studio. You can stay at this level for as long as you feel it’s helpful, and when you’re ready to take those tricks to the next level…move on up!
Attire: Tank top and shorts highly recommended (we need that skin so we can stick to the pole!)
You've got the basics down and are ready to start building up your strength and learning more tricks and spins! Class will start to move a little faster so make sure you're comfortable with the pre-reqs below. Don't be scared though, you'll be amazed at the things you'll be able to do.
Pre requisites:
-Understanding of inside and outside.
-Basic comfort with pole
-Dip spin
-Back hook
-Koala -
A limited mixed-level class. Students are not expected to have their invert quite yet, but will likely start going upside down and working on more complex tricks and twirls....exciting!
Pre -Requisites:
- Understanding of inside and outside.
- Basic comfort with pole
- Dip spin
- Back hook
- Sit
- Koala -
Time to get really comfortable upside down. You'll refine the moves ya already got and keep on building that strength. Now is the time, let's get that invert! Plus you'll keep expanding you're repertoire with and without that invert.
Pre- Requisites:
- Climbs ( side + basic) - does not have to be to top of pole
- Jasmine
- Basic Twirls (back hook, firefighter, chair)
- Leg hang position (lying down or from invert)
- Genie/martini
- Cupid, superhero OR layback -
Students should now have a good grasp of the fundamentals and have built good strength to support more complex movements. While the conditioning for shoulder mounts may have been introduced in a level 3 class, level 4 will focus on perfecting these core movements and work on more complex tricks and combos
Pre - Requisites:
- Invert
- Confidence in shoulder mount practice
- Jade
- Brass
- Comfort with static rotation -
Students should now be comfortable with most fundamentals. This is a time to experiment as well as continue to refine techniques and work on clean movement and style development.
- Shoulder Mount
- Aerial Invert
- Confidence in ayesha/handspring practice
- Comfort with fluid combos on spin and static -
This class is for advanced pole students. TIME TO PLAY and FLY….and maybe struggle bus with the best of them.
- Shoulder Mount
- Aerial Invert
- Confidence in ayesha/handspring practice
- Comfort with fluid combos on spin and static
Choreography and Dance
This class exposes you the integration of various dance genres of street jazz, street lyrical, hip hop, dancehall or freestyle with pole flow, which covers body control fundamentals, groove transitions, and musicality in street dance pop culture aspects. The routine generally breaks down into off-pole & on-pole dance, possibly with lvl 2+ tricks. Class will be sequence- & music-based and taught through pole dance progressions, with special focus on building off-pole dance foundations, and later technical refinement.
Pre req: This class is meant for those who are in level 3 or above. Some experience with other flow or choreography based classes is recommended.
Attire: Bare feet, socks, sneaker, dance heels are welcomed. Any shoes worn inside the studio must be INDOOR ONLY shoes.
Platform heels are discouraged for safety reasons due to off-pole dance.
Feel the music and learn to move in that beautiful contemporary style. Each week will be set to music so you can build your musicality with every week.
Pre-reqs: Recommended you have taken 3 months of low flow or other type of non-pole dance. Level 2 pole twirls and tricks may be included.
Attire: Anything you feel comfortable flowing in. Shorts if you plan on doing level 2+ tricks.
Staying low and flowing around the pole! We’ll be practicing the connection of slow, controlled movements and transitions through dancing with one continuous motion through choreography while making it your own.
Beginner friendly! Knee pads recommended.
Pre Reqs: Have taken at least 3 pole or flow classes. Ages 18+ only.
A class tailored to those a bit newer to pole and heels. While you’re welcome in any of the heels choreo classes this one will go a bit slower and allow you time to explore and get comfortable.
Pre-reqs: Must be comfortable doing a pole pirouette. Ages 18+ only.
This is for those of you who are ready to take on a full on heels choreography. We’ll walk you through choreo every week so you can unleash your own inner flow goddexx.
Pre Requisites: Have taken at least 10 pole or flow classes. Must be able to pirouette comfortably in platform heels. Ages 18+ only.
Attire: Kneepads recommended.
A class for those who want to begin to develop and hone their low flow and heel technique. You'll learn how to walk to heels and get comfortable feeling that flow around the pole.
-Understanding of inside and outside
-Basic comfort with pole
-Dip spin
-Back hook -
This class covers technical aspects of low flow — transitions and positions, as well as aesthetics on the ground and the lower third of the pole. Class will be sequence based and taught through detailed progressions suited for students’ experience level, with special focus on building foundations, and later technical refinement. Sequences will not be timed and themed to one particular song - not choreography.
Pre reqs: Not suitable for beginners. 6 months of experience in low flow recommended. Proficiency with basic static spins and upright holds (pullup, sit, etc) and familiarity with hand positions (true, twisted, cup etc.) required.
- Comfortable clothing that will not get in the way or inhibit movement. Leggings and shirts ok but wear shorts under - layer up and be prepared for having to use skin contact.
- Knee pads or knee protection.
- Socks.
- 7" or 8" platform heels optional. -
K-pop (Korean popular music) is a mix of R&B, pop rock, hip hop, and electronic music out of South Korea performed by meticulously-styled singer/dancer groups. K-pop is mainly influenced by hip hop and urban dance choreography.
Starting with warm up and followed by a section of choreography to various hot and latest K-pop dances by your favorite artists. Students will learn basic techniques and choreography as each section of the dance is broken down and repeated with slow counts and then the music.
Attire: Comfortable clothes you can move and sweat in! Socks or dance sneakers recommended. We are a no-outside-shoes studio. You will be asked to spray down any street shoes with alcohol, if necessary.
Aerial Classes
Pre-requisites: None!
This class will focus on getting comfortable with the hoop, including strength and basic tricks.
Attire: Leggings required, sleeved shirt suggested.
“I’m still working on my inverts, but I’m comfortable sitting in the hoop and in knee hangs.”
We will continue to work towards our straddle back/inverts. This class will focus on continuing to get comfortable with the hoop, including strength and basic two-armed tricks.
Attire: Leggings required, fitted shirt suggested.
“I have solid bent arm inverts. I have a varied vocabulary of tricks and shapes. I have some experience spinning.”
Main Objectives:
1. Straight arm inverts
2. Meathooks
3. Single arm and leg hangs w/o ropes
4. Skin the cat
5. Russian split
6. Wine glass
7. Twisty split
8. Mill circles and seated rolls
9. Flares
10. Toe & heel hangs
11. Fleeky/alien split
12. Spanset tricks
13. Higher spinsAttire: Leggings, no loose clothing.
Pre-requisites: Instructor approval required.
Let's go crazy! Some example moves we may work on in class:
1. House (and variations)
2. Can-opener split
3. Spanset rollups
4. Neck hangAttire: No flowy garments. Leggings are a must.
This class will introduce aerial silks fundamentals including basic wraps and climbs. Students will use both silks (tissu) for technique work and hammock to condition and build strength.
Pre-reqs: None!
Attire: Leggings and sleeved shirts recommended.
This class introduces aerial silks fundamentals including basic locks and climbs. More beginner students will be challenged with different climbs and techniques like hip locks. Students will use both silks (tissu) for technique work and hammock to condition and build strength.
Pre-reqs: None!
Attire: Leggings and sleeved shirts recommended.
Straps, also known as aerial straps, are a type of aerial apparatus on which various feats of strength and flexibility may be performed. Wrapping the strap ends around hands and wrists, the performer performs holds, twists, rolls and maneuvers, requiring extreme strength and precision similar to men’s rings in gymnastics.
Attire: Leggings and a tighter-fitting shirt recommended. Some people feel more comfortable with coverings on their hands and wrists (we recommend cutting holes in socks).
* 30 shoulder shrugs
* 30-second static hang
* 10 tuck ups from the floor
* 10 push ups from the knees
* 5 bent-arm inversions -
Now that we’re getting more comfortable with straps, we will continue to build strength and control with intermediate exercises like flags and planches.
Attire: Leggings and a tighter-fitting shirt recommended.
Pre-reqs: Instructor Approval REQUIRED
* 10 bent arm inversions
* 10 V ups
* 5 skin the cats
* 10 pull ups in a pike inversion
* 3 meathooks*** Cancellations MUST be done 12 hours prior to the start of class. Classes cancelled after this period will be forfeited. No Shows forfeit the class and will be charge a $10 no show fee**
Cross Training & Online
In this class students build strength through core, arm, and leg conditioning, while developing cardiovascular and muscular endurance. This class mixes stretching and apparatus training with ground conditioning to work the entire body and tone muscles for maximum strength and control. Students will work through a circuit on apparatus such as lyra, straps and stall bars to develop confidence in their own strength and coordination.
Pre-reqs: Aerial requires a lot of strength! We recommend being able to do at least 10 push ups from your knees.
Calisthenics is a form of strength training that uses the resistance of your body and gravity to help strengthen your muscles and improve your coordination, endurance and mobility.
Attire: Shorts recommended for some of the exercises utilizing the poles.
Pre-requisites: None!
This is the class that we all SHOULD take, but might need that extra push to commit to! =P
Want to build some strength before trying an aerial class or working to reach those aerial strength goals? This class is for everybody and every level! We do our best to make cross training fun, so come and sweat it out with friends as we work on getting stronger safely. This all-level conditioning class will utilize floor and pole exercises using your own body weight and a small set of equipment (bands, block and the such), to build strength and stamina.
Attire: Shorts recommended for some of the exercises utilizing the poles.
Pre-requisites: None!
We'll work to improve your flexibility class by class. No, you don't have to be flexible to take this class, but yes it's hard. Instructors use a combination of exercises and stretches to help you reach your goals.
***All Classes follow a 4-hour cancellation policy. Cancellations MUST be done 4 hours prior to the start of class. Classes cancelled after this period will be forfeited.**